Say no to nude stockings.

hootersYes, we’ve been rocking the opaque stockings this winter… hard. We’ve even gotten creative, and opted for Jewel tones, and a pattern here and there. But I beg of you, do not bring back the nude stockings. I say this, because while taking part in my usual gallivants in downtown Manhattan and Brooklyn, I’ve come face to face with a handful of trend-setting hopefuls wearing an array of them. From sheer and shiny (Hello Hooters girl) to old school Capezzios, to winter white. I know you are desperate for spring, but why? why? why? do you think it’s Ok to wear stockings that a) make your legs look like they are wrapped in plastic, b) make your legs look like mine did during dance rehearsals in 5th grade (caramel), or c) make you look like you have straight up wintertime granny legs. It’s not cute, and because it is still chilly out you are allowed to rock all other color stockings until you can set your legs free. Thanks


Filed under diss, fashion, trendy

3 responses to “Say no to nude stockings.

  1. I like nude stockings you bully.

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