Category Archives: being green

Your carbon footprint.

“Green is the new black”. This saying pretty much sums up what our culture’s idea of “being green” is. Being Eco-friendly has finally become cool. Which I believe, sadly, was necessary to drive the idea home to everybody (i.e. those who still think People Magazine is a book). The problem is that, instead of people ACTUALLY “being green”, they put on what I am coining as a “green front”. Yes, you wear a shirt that says recycle. But you don’t. You carry around a tote bag stuffed with plastic bags from various stores. You even pay the $1 at Trader Joes (<–yes please!) for a cute shopping tote, but leave it at home the next time you go shopping.  You leave lights on when you’re not in the room! I could go on forever–like nuclear waste.greenisthenewblack

My roommate (Rachel) and I had a joint Resolution in 2009. It was going to be our duty to make the littlest carbon footprint we possibly could. I too used to have a green front-but no longer! A few tips that have helped us stay greener, and actually saved us mad loot (yes, some are obvious, get over it):

1) Replace all regular bulbs with the energy saving bulbs. You can buy these at Home Depot for about $7/3 pack. I used to hate these because the light was bluish, but now they come in 3 different shades- the cheapest being the warmest color! This has helped us cut electric by MORE THAN HALF.

2) Do not keep AC’s plugged in unless they are in use (or unless the plug is so out of the way that it becomes a burden). It is a fact that AC’s exhaust the most energy when they aren’t even being used. You can do this with cell phone chargers too. We also have all computer plugs attached to a single power strip, and simply turn off the switch when it’s not in use! Your computer does not need to be on when you are not home, you lazy bugger.

3) We reuse plastic bags a lot. Do not underestimate! We also wash and use jars and plastic containers to bring food to work or to store chopped veggies, sauces, etc.

4) SIGG WATER-BOTTLE. Plastic water-bottles fuck shit up. (

5) Actually Recycle. I know this is hard, because (disturbingly) something like half of the buildings in New York do not recycle–mine (office) being one of them. There are a few things you can do here: a) At work: Have a scrap paper bin. We use the backs of paper when printing out Castings and E-mails. Saves the trees, saves the dough. Also, write threatening letters to your douche-bag landlords. b) At home: Talk to your landlord about recycling. Luckily in Bushwick they ticket offenders! But you could ask him/her to make sure there are enough recycling bins, and to put them in a place where people on the street can’t throw in their morning ‘yoddle’ wrappers. Fatties.

6) No Television. Yes, we rid ourselves of TV,  and it feels oh so good. Aside from saving about $115 per month, we save ourselves from having to fight with CableVision ever again (<–bane of my existence). Oh, and the creative things that blossom!

See! Being green is not only trendy, but it’s easy. Our electric bill was $24 last month. Fuck YEAH.

(Check out your carbon footprint at:

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