Category Archives: gross

Something to get off my chest: Public Nail Clippers

There are few things that truly gross me out. I can handle blood, loonies on the L train (there are TONS), breast-feeding in public, and the garbage-urine smell of  particularly warm days in New York. But one thing that really, REALLY grosses me out to the point of gag reflex is when people cut their fingernails in public.

I speak of this because in the past month I have come in contact with two separate situations where I almost lost my lunch: 1) I was on the L train during rush-hour and a woman pulls out her pink, glittery clippers and starts going at it. Mind you, there were lots of people on the train, and these nails were flying all over the place. If I had gotten hit with one of those things I probably would have kicked her in the face. Not only is this loud, but you are literally littering a public stomping space with your dirty, used, DNA! Put it away lady! 2) I was sitting in the park during my lunch hour, enjoying a wrap and listening to a decent rendition of “All You Need Is Love” when “clip! clip! clip!” flows into my left ear. No way! Really? You are clipping your nails on a park bench!? You honestly can tell me you don’t have 2 minutes during your time at home to do this in private? I look to my left and, lo and behold, there is a sketchy dude bopping his head and clipping his nails to the beat. My happy mood is usually hard to stomp, but this really hurt my soul.

So, I wasted your time with this rant in hopes that it will reach the right person. Maybe you know someone who does this disgusting act in public, and can send it along to them? Maybe it will reach the un-assuming eyes of ‘pink-glitter girl’ and ‘sketchy dude’, and our wonderful word will be rid of two more Public Nail Clippers. Thanks and The End.

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Filed under diss, gross